POKÉMON Z is a Pokémon fangame developed by Eric Lostie, the recognized author of other games such as Pokémon Iberia or Pokémon Opal. In this version, you can travel through the Kalos region 300 years before all the events in Pokémon X and Y. In other words, you can explore new areas in southern Kalos with cities inspired by 18th-century France.
Journey around new areas of Kalos
When you start your game in POKÉMON Z, you'll have to choose the gender of your character, some parts of their appearance and decide on a name. After this, your adventure will begin during the last few years of AZ's reign, a key character in the Pokémon X and Y plot. If you're a true Pokémon fan, then you're sure to love the games developed by Eric Lostie, as his titles are usually full of easter eggs and references to the Pokémon universe. The controls are the same as in the classic Nintendo games: a d-pad to move your character, interaction buttons and a pause menu with different sections. Among these, you can find your recipe book, the Pokémon you carry, your inventory, the notebook to save your game and the game settings.
Choose from all the starter Pokémon
Once you control your character in POKÉMON Z, you can start making your way through the different routes that are part of the Kalos region. At the beginning of the game, you'll have to choose the starter Pokémon that will accompany you during your adventure. This is interesting because POKÉMON Z allows you to choose between the starter Pokémon of any of the Pokémon generations. Once you have met your classic rival and your Pokémon professor, your goal in POKÉMON Z is to get all the creatures that exist in the region. This includes the three legendary Pokémon from the Kalos region and a fourth legendary Pokémon that appears as a special feature to be discovered in POKÉMON Z.
Manage your own city
One of the highlights of POKÉMON Z is that you can build up a village that you'll come across during your game. Like a management game, you'll have to find resources to rebuild buildings and invite characters you know to be your neighbors. This adds a different gameplay experience to what you can find in classic Pokémon titles.
If you want to enjoy a different Pokémon gaming experience and learn what happened in the Kalos region 300 years ago, download POKÉMON Z.
The game is very good, and except for 2-3 dialogues in English, everything is well translated. The new Pokémon are super interesting, such as the type changes for some existing ones!
I can't change the language, even though this was possible before. Surely, there is a recent issue with the files; it would be good if the developers could address it to make the language change achie...See more
I played through the end of part 1 in 1.08 but my save cannot be loaded on the 1.09 and the 1.10 version
how to change the language ??
I want to play
Hello, The game looks great, but I don't understand how to change the language. Can someone help me?